Lamb tagine with peas recipe

Lamb Tagine with peas recipe 🇲🇦 Ingredients: Cup of peas A kilo of lamb 2 onions 1 tablespoon of salt 1 teaspoon of black pepper 1 tablespoon of carcuma 1 tablespoon of ginger 2 crushed garlic cloves 1/4 glass of Olive oil Small bunch of parsley or coriander (tied using a string) Method; Put allContinue reading “Lamb tagine with peas recipe”

Briwat Recipe (Sweet Almond Pastries)

Briwat Recipe (Sweet Almond Pastries) – Filo pastry used same as samosas Want to make one of the most popular cake/pastry that is eaten in Morocco? Briwat are so easy to make and are made throughout the year, especially in Ramadan to break your fast or on Eid. Filo pastry/spring roll pastry is used onContinue reading “Briwat Recipe (Sweet Almond Pastries)”

Sfinge recipe (Moroccan Doughnuts)

EASY Sfinge Recipe (Moroccan Doughnuts) View this post on Instagram Sfinge recipe 💙🇲🇦🍩 Learn how to make these amazing light and airy Moroccan doughnuts by watching this 1 minute video 😮 ———————————————————— 500g plain flour 1 tablespoon of yeast and 1 tablespoon of sugar 1 teaspoon of salt Vegetable oil for frying As always ifContinue reading “Sfinge recipe (Moroccan Doughnuts)”

Selling Moroccan pancakes in London

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, make it a delicious one! Our Moroccan pancakes (Msemmen) and (Baghrir) are definitely worth getting out of bed in the morning! Most people aren’t morning people and just don’t have enough time, which explains why most people skip breakfast. However we believe mornings should be theContinue reading “Selling Moroccan pancakes in London”

Seafood potato salad recipe🦞

Seafood potato salad using ONLY 5 main ingredients! Ingredients: •a pack of new potatoes •a pack of seafood sticks •tiny bunch of parsley/coriander •half an onion •2 garlic cloves •squeeze of lemon Method: •boil potatoes until the skin starts peeling off not too soft •meanwhile chop the onion (very finely), parsley, garlic and seafood sticks.Continue reading “Seafood potato salad recipe🦞”

Classic Moroccan Cucumber and Tomato Salad

Hello everyone! Hope you are all doing well. Sometimes we put off cooking as we are often bombarded with complex recipes. Hopefully this simple recipe will change you mind and help you feel more comfortable experimenting with food Now, if you have ever been to Morocco you know that this is a staple salad which isContinue reading “Classic Moroccan Cucumber and Tomato Salad”

What is the Secret ingredient for Rfissa?

Rfissa is a popular Moroccan dish which is served on various celebrations. It’s definitely one of my favourite dishes, I know I say that about all Moroccan dishes lol, but this is such a filling and tasty meal ! Served with chicken, lentils and msemmen (Moroccan pancakes) and the secretttttt ingredient………. Ras el hanout ! // reading “What is the Secret ingredient for Rfissa?”

All the essential items you need this Ramadan and Eid gift ideas !

RAMADAN MUBARKKKKKK EVERYONE ! I hope you are all having a blessed Ramadan! The fasting hasn’t been too much of a struggle this year, I think because so far in the UK the weather hasn’t been too hot, although there were some very hot days. You know I love my products, so I have decidedContinue reading “All the essential items you need this Ramadan and Eid gift ideas !”